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Northern Ireland Local Council Elections 2023

A historic and resounding result for the first ever elected Black political representative and Councillor in Northern Ireland.

The Northern Ireland African and Caribbean Leadership Consortium celebrates a woman whose track record speaks for itself. Her position and perspectives on social justice issues, racial equality, human rights; her selfless representation of constituents and her vision for Northern Ireland are some of the reasons why she has won the vote of confidence of so many people in Derry/Londonderry and also farther afield.

I have no doubt that you will be a wonderful political representative for everyone and across the divide; irrespective of political affiliation, social status, cultural, national or ethnic background.

You are an epitome of not only equality, diversity and inclusion but of justice.

Wish you every success as you continue positive and progressive wins in your political career. We are all better for it and extremely proud of you.


Alfred Abolarin



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